Wildlife Warning System to Prevent Accidents on Road Sections with Frequent Wildlife Crossings


    WARN, a visual wildlife warning device, was designed specifically to prevent accidents involving wildlife.


    The headlight of an approaching vehicle is deflected by WARN WWR towards the roadside at dusk or night. This creates a constantly changing visual warning fence which prompts the wildlife to stop moving or to flee back into the countryside. The wildlife warning reflectors reflect the headlight towards the roadside only. There is therefore no risk of dazzling for the driver. Thanks to its innovative design, WARN WWR is well suited for any type of terrain. The fact that WARN WWR emits a wide cone-shaped beam of reflected light makes it suitable for use in flat and hilly areas alike. SWAROWARN WWR is an economical alternative to wildlife fences and smell barriers.


    The materials used are resistant to environmental impacts, such as weather, road salt, high temperatures and exhaust fumes. WARN WWR is easy to install and clean.


    + Road Sections with Wildlife Crossing


    + Visual warning system for wildlife

    + Suitable for any type of terrain

    + Non-dazzling to drivers as headlights diverted towards the roadside

    + High cost-efficiency

    + High resistance to environmental impacts such as weather, road salt, high

       temperature and car exhausts

    + Easy to install and clean

    + No artificial subdivision of wildlife habitat: activation by approaching vehicles only





184 x 81 x 60 mm

Visual wildlife warning device,

Suitable for all types of terrain and topographies

Deflects the light from headlights of approaching vehicles towards the roadside to create a constantly changing optical warning fence, which prompts deers to los ciervos y otros stop moving or to flee back into the woods or fields

Plastic (black)



On request

On delineator sets

Simple machine cleaning as part of street cleaning or with a cloth or sponge

     No artificial subdivison of wildlife habitat

     Non-dazzling to drivers


Visual Wildlife Warning Device

Ignacio Alatorre No 65 Col. Daniel Garza C.P. 11830 CDMX. México

Tels. (55) 5516 0000 | (55) 5516 1010 | (55) 55161015 |  mexie@mexie.com.mx